Introduction: Deep neck infections (ICP) are serious
diseases whose complexity and location make
diagnosis and treatment difficult. Familiarity with
the anatomy of the cervical fasciae and cervical
spaces is critical to understand the nature of these
emerging infections. The aim of this study is to
conduct a descriptive analysis of a hospital series
comprised 129 cases of ICP.
Materials and Methods: The authors performed a
retrospective study of 129 cases of ICP treated in
ENT Department of Braga’s Hospital between
January 2011 and December 2012.
Results: The odontogenic and tonsillar causes
were the most frequently found. The spaces most
affected were the peri-tonsillar, submandibular
and parapharyngeal. There was an increased incidence
of ICP from 2011(4,27 per 100 000 habitants)
to 2012 (7,45 per 100 000 habitants).
Conclusions: The ICP are a medical and surgical
emergency. We must be vigilant in risk groups
(elderly, patients with diabetes mellitus or other
co-morbidities) where the rate of complications is
Infecções Bacterianas Pescoço
Acta Otorrinolaringol Gallega 2014;7(1): 86-96