Background: Temporal bone meningoencephalic herniations correspond to the presence of brain parenchyma and/or prolapsed meninges through a bone defect. It is a rare condition with potentially catastrophic consequences for the patient.
Case Description: Sixty-nine year-old female patient with past medical history of chronic otitis media submitted to otologic surgery, arterial hypertension and breast cancer. Admitted to emergency department with tonic-clonic seizures secondary to meningoencephalitis triggered by otologic infection. The imaging investigation revealed the presence of a meningoencephalic herniation that was surgically treated by a multidisciplinary ENT and neurosurgery team.
Discussion/Conclusions: Surgical treatment aims to remove meningoencephalic herniated tissue, bone defect repair and hearing recovery. Size and location of bone defect and meningoencephalic herniation are decisive factors in surgical approaches choice.
Encefalocele Hérnia Meningocele Osso Temporal
Gazeta Médica. 2016; 3(2): 38-43.