Costa, JPereira, MACorreia, ARebelo, AAraúlo, AO2012-08-102012-08-102002Rev Port Cardiol. 2002;21(11):1305-14. angina is defined by chest pain occurring at rest associated with transitory ST segment elevation on ECG, and is caused by a spasm of a coronary artery. Frequently, variant angina is associated with atherosclerotic coronary obstruction and patients with normal coronary arteries are rare. Patients with variant angina and normal coronary arteries have good prognosis, and the development of ventricular arrhythmias or sudden death is rare. The authors present two cases of sudden cardiac death in patients with variant angina and normal coronary arteries.engMorte Súbita CardíacaAngina Pectoris VarianteSudden death and variant anginaMorte súbita e angina vasoespásticajournal article