Fonseca, LMachado, ADuarte, J2013-08-302013-08-302011Saúde Mental. 2011;13(1): 23-5 has been reported as the most frequent neuropsychiatric diagnostic on the clinical background of demented patients, mainly with Alzheimer dementia (AD). Several studies have showed that this relation is not occasional. In this work we present the results of the statistical analysis made on the characterization of the psychiatric background of demented patients from the memory consultation of the Braga Hospital.porDoença de AlzheimerDemênciaDepressãoCaracterização dos antecedentes psiquiátricos nos doentes com demência: relação da depressão com a demênciaPsychiatric Background Characterization of Patients with Dementia - the relation between depression and dementiajournal article