Moreira-Pinto, JLima, ECorreia-Pinto, JRolanda, C2012-02-082012-02-082011World J Gastroenterol. 2011;17(33):3795-801. invasive surgery started spreading worldwide in 1987, when the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed. Meanwhile, improvement of endoscopic equipment and instruments allowed gastroenterologists to attempt more aggressive endoluminal interventions, even beyond the wall barrier. The first transgastric peritoneoscopy, in 2004, brought to light the concept of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES). The idea of incisionless surgery is attractive and has become a new goal for both surgeons and other people interested in this field of investigation. The authors present a review of all developments concerning NOTES, including animal studies and human experience.engCirurgia Endoscópica Transluminal por Orifícios NaturaisNatural orifice transluminal endoscopy surgery: A reviewjournal article