Ferreira-Mendes, JFreitas, CGentil, R2016-07-152016-07-152016Gazeta Médica. 2016; 3(1): 18-21.http://hdl.handle.net/10400.23/1065The authors describe the case of a 26-year-old female patient with a history of bilateral central scotomas which has lasted 24 hours, which appeared after an injury caused by a plasma laser for the production of nanoparticles. The ophthalmologic assessment including observing the ocular fundis in mydriasis, fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography (OCT). In a first assessment, the visual acuity of the right eye was 20/20 and the left eye was 20/25. Foveal pigmentary alterations were observed in the macula of both eyes. Bilaterally, the OCT revealed a central interruption of the photoreceptor layer; the fluorescein angiography was normal. In subsequent assessments, the visual acuity was always 20/20 bilaterally. The abnormal findings observed in the OCT disappeared in less than five months, despite continued subjective complaints of scotomas in the left eye.porLasersRetina/lesõesTomografia de Coerência ÓpticaComprometimento Visual com Dano Macular Mínimo numa Lesão Causada por Laser de FemtosegundoVisual Impairment with Minimal Macular Damage in Femtosecond Laser Injuryjournal article