Carvalho, APRamires, RSoares, JCarvalho, LFFilinto, M2012-08-312012-08-312008Actas Urol Esp.2008;32(9):941-4 duplication is a rare anomaly with an incidence of 1 in 5,500,000. It is almost associated with other malformations like double bladder, presence of the cloaca, imperforate anus, duplication of the recto sigmoid and vertebral deformities. The authors present the surgical technique to resolve a rare case of complete penile duplication in a 4 years old child, without any other malformation.spaPénisProcedimentos Cirúrgicos Urológicos MasculinosTratamiento quirúrgico de duplicidad peneana completaSurgical treatment of complete penile duplicationjournal article