Mota, PMorais, NPimentel-Torres, JCordeiro, ADias, ECerqueira-Alves, MLima, E2016-07-152016-07-152016Gazeta Médica. 2016; 3(2): 35-7. evolution in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer currently provides to the urologist a wide range of therapeutic possibilities that have shown an improvement on overall survival and quality of life of patients. It is presented a clinical case in this article which reflects not only the effectiveness of these therapies but also their rapid evolution.porAntagonistas de AndrogéniosMetástase NeoplásicaNeoplasias da Próstata/tratamentoTratamento do Carcinoma da Próstata Metastizado: Surgimento de Novos Horizontes TerapêuticosTreatment of Metastasized Prostate Carcinoma: Emergence of New Therapeutic Horizonsjournal article