Breda, MAmorim, JRocha, JDias, L2018-02-162018-02-162018-02-05BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Feb 5;2018. pii: bcr-2017-222815. is the perception of sound in the absence of a corresponding external acoustic stimulus, resulting in an estimated prevalence of 10% to 15% in adults. Tinnitus may be classified as pulsatile (PT) or continuous (non-PT), and may be subjective (heard only by the patient) or objective (also audible to the examiner). PT is usually related to vascular causes and is pulse synchronous (coinciding with the patient's heartbeat). PT is much less common affecting approximately 4% of patients with tinnitus, but unlike non-PT, usually has a specific identifiable cause. We present a case of a man without previous otological disease or head trauma, with a left-ear subjective PT. MR angiography detected a left vertebro-vertebral arteriovenous fistula, which was treated by endovascular embolisation with important symptomatic relief.engArtéria VertebralFístula ArteriovenosaZumbidoVertebro-vertebral fistula presenting as a pulsatile tinnitusjournal article10.1136/bcr-2017-222815