Soares, João-BrunoIglesias-Garcia, JulioGoncalves, BrunoLindkvist, BjörnLariño-Noia, JoseBastos, PedroCaetano, Ana Cá LiaFerreira, AnIbalPimentel-Nunes, PedroLopes, LuIsMoutinho-Ribeiro, PedroDominguez-Muñoz, J Enrique2016-04-142016-04-142015Endosc Ultrasound. 2015 Jul-Sep;4(3):244-9. reports assessing the reproducibility of endoscopic ultrasound elastography (EUS-E) in evaluation of solid pancreatic lesions (SPL) involved only experienced endosonographers. We aimed to assess the interobserver agreement (IOA) of EUS-E in the evaluation of SPL by endoscopists with different levels of experience in EUS and EUS-E.engPâncreas/lesõesInterobserver agreement of EUS elastography in the evaluation of solid pancreatic lesionsjournal article10.4103/2303-9027.163016