Costa, NMRodrigues, HPereira, HPardal, FMatos, E2013-06-212013-06-212004Breast. 2004;13(4):353-5. breast carcinoma (SBC) is a rare type of invasive breast cancer. Since little is known about the biology of this rare tumour, it is useful to report every such case, in order to make as much information as possible available in the medical literature. We present the case of an 18-year-old woman with a SBC treated by mastectomy (Madden) and axillary node dissection (stage pT3N1M0) followed by chemotherapy (FEC regimen) and radiotherapy. The patient has meanwhile completed 4 years of follow-up with no evidence of recurrence. The authors review the literature and summarize relevant findings concerning definition, pathology, clinical picture, treatment, and follow-up.engCarcinomaNeoplasias da MamaMastectomiaRadioterapia AdjuvanteProtocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada AntineoplásicaSecretory breast carcinoma--case report and review of the medical literature.journal article