Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2018-12"
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- Improbable lesion in a childPublication . Almeida, FT; Campos, MA; Carvalho, SD; Brito, C
- How to Brush Your Way into the Bile DuctPublication . Bastos, P; Pita, I; Ferreira, A
- Cervical Ganglioneuroma in Pediatric Age: A Case ReportPublication . Lima, AF; Moreira, FC; Menezes, A; Dias, LGanglioneuroma is a rare, benign, non-invasive tumor emerging from the sympathetic system. Of these tumors, only 8% occur in the neck. In this report, we present a case of a 13-year-old girl with a 2-year history of enlarging neck mass. Her only complaint, aside from neck swelling, was dysphagia. Physical and radiological examinations revealed a large mass centered in the right carotid space. A transcervical approach was used to excise the tumor emerging from the sympathetic ganglia. The patient developed temporary Horner's syndrome postoperatively. In a few weeks, she was completely asymptomatic. Histological examination was compatible with ganglioneuroma. Surgical excision is the only definite treatment of cervical ganglioneuroma and is also the only way to confirm the diagnosis. Injury during surgery may result in significant morbidity.
- Pseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma: a little-known tumorPublication . Santos, RP; Carvalho, S; Joana, G; Perdal, JPseudomyogenic hemangioendothelioma (PHE) is a rare indolent vascular tumor that typically has a multifocal presentation and involves multiple tissue planes. This report describes a 34-year-old man with multiple infiltrated brown papules and plaques on his left leg that had evolved for 6 months. The skin biopsy revealed a dermal and subcutaneous neoplasm composed of fascicles of spindle cells with atypia and epithelioid cells with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. There was no evidence of necrosis, and the mitotic rate was low. There was strong reactivity with cytokeratin AE1/AE3, ERG, and FLI1, multifocal reactivity with smooth muscle actin, and focal reactivity with CD31. There was no expression of keratin MNF116, CAM5.2, CD34, CAMTA1, S100-protein, epithelial membrane antigen, melan-A, HMB-45, factor XIIIa, HHV8, or CD10. The nuclei of neoplastic cells showed intact expression of INI1. The clinical, histological, and immunophenotypical aspects were consistent with a diagnosis of PHE. A lower limb CT scan showed lesions in the skin, muscle, and bone planes. The patient was sent to an oncology center, where he maintains regular clinical and imagiological follow-up.
- Trait determinants of impulsive behavior: a comprehensive analysis of 188 ratsPublication . Soares, AR; Esteves, M; Moreira, PS; Cunha, AM; Guimarães, MR; Carvalho, MM; Raposo-Lima, C; Morgado, P; Carvalho, AF; Coimbra, B; Melo, A; Rodrigues, AJ; Salgado, AJ; Pêgo, JM; Cerqueira, JJ; Costa, P; Sousa, N; Almeida, A; Leite-Almeida, HImpulsivity is a naturally occurring behavior that, when accentuated, can be found in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. The expression of trait impulsivity has been shown to change with a variety of factors, such as age and sex, but the existing literature does not reflect widespread consensus regarding the influence of modulating effects. We designed the present study to investigate, in a cohort of significant size (188 rats), the impact of four specific parameters, namely sex, age, strain and phase of estrous cycle, using the variable delay-to-signal (VDS) task. This cohort included (i) control animals from previous experiments; (ii) animals specifically raised for this study; and (iii) animals previously used for breeding purposes. Aging was associated with a general decrease in action impulsivity and an increase in delay tolerance. Females generally performed more impulsive actions than males but no differences were observed regarding delay intolerance. In terms of estrous cycle, no differences in impulsive behavior were observed and regarding strain, Wistar Han animals were, in general, more impulsive than Sprague-Dawley. In addition to further confirming, in a substantial study cohort, the decrease in impulsivity with age, we have demonstrated that both the strain and sex influences modulate different aspects of impulsive behavior manifestations.
- A granular cell tumor: an unusual colon polypPublication . Leal, T; Carvalho, S; Costa, JMWe read with interest the article by Sevilla Ribota et al1 that described an unexpected finding of a granular cell tumour (GCT) of the rectum, which was removed by band ligation-assisted mucosectomy. We present a similar case of a GCT of the cecum, which was resected using a different endoscopic procedure.
- Pregnancy outcomes in Portuguese women with multiple sclerosis: The PREGNIMS studyPublication . Novo, A; Castelo, J; de Sousa, A; Amorim, I; Alves, JN; Calejo, M; Monteiro, A; Arenga, M; Shamasna, M; Vale, J; Sá, MJ; Palavra, FINTRODUCTION: Several questions about pregnancy in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) have been discussed, but clarification is still needed in some very practical issues. Portuguese data on this subject remain scattered and need to be analyzed in order to standardize clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe and analyze the impact of MS on pregnancy and perinatal health of children born to Portuguese mothers with the disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a multicenter, retrospective study of a cohort of Portuguese women with MS who were pregnant and who gave birth between 01/01/2011 and 31/12/2015. Demographic and clinical data related to maternal disease, pregnancy progression and events, childbirth and newborn health were collected. RESULTS: Ninety-seven women were recruited and 90 live births were evaluated. The mean maternal age at conception was 32.5 years, and 63.9% had no relapses in the previous year (98.0% had a relapsing-remitting MS and the EDSS score was ≤ 3 in 92.8% of the cases). Only 50.5% of the women had a preconception specific evaluation and 60 children were exposed to immunomodulatory therapies during pregnancy. Nineteen women had relapses during pregnancy. Childbirth was induced in 22.7% of the cases, and the caesarean section rate was 34%. Children exposed to immunomodulatory drugs during pregnancy had a lower birth length (p = 0.014), and there was also a trend toward lower birth weight (p = 0.054) in these newborns. Pre-conception EDSS score negatively correlated with the duration of pregnancy (r = -0.22; p = 0.029), weight (r = -0.23; p = 0.031) and cephalic perimeter at birth (r = -0.24; p = 0.033). There was no relationship between the occurrence of relapses or progression in EDSS score during pregnancy with any variables related to the newborn. CONCLUSIONS: In our cohort, it has been confirmed that MS has no negative effect on pregnancy or on children's perinatal health. However, the use of immunomodulatory drugs may have some impact on newborns' somatometric features.
- Hipotiroidismo Subclínico no IdosoPublication . Macedo Silva, S; Carvalho, A; Lopes-Pereira, M; Fernandes, VSubclinical hypothyroidism, defined as an increase of thyroid stimulating hormone levels with normal levels of thyroid hormones, could have a multiorgan impact. There seem to be differences in the elderly (over 65 years of age) which indicate that there should be a different approach in terms of diagnosis and the treatment.
- A Rare Case of Spontaneous Remission and Relapse of a Primary Central Nervous System LymphomaPublication . Ramos, R; Fernandes, JS; Almeida, M; Almeida, RPrimary central nervous system lymphoma remission after steroid treatment is a well-known phenomenon, but remission without any type of treatment is extremely rare. We present a rare case of spontaneous remission of a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the central nervous system as well as its subsequent reappearance in another location. The atypical presentation misled the neurosurgeons and neurologists, delaying diagnosis and treatment. The patient underwent brain biopsy after the relapse and started radiotherapy and chemotherapy with cytarabine + methotrexate + rituximab. As of 32 months after the diagnosis, the patient remained asymptomatic, with no focal neurological deficits and the disease in complete remission. A PubMed search of the literature up to June 2017 regarding spontaneous remission central nervous system lymphoma was also carried out.