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- Acetabular retroversion: Diagnosis and treatmentPublication . Direito-Santos, B; França, G; Nunes, J; Costa, A; Rodrigues, EB; Silva, AP; Varanda, PAcetabular retroversion (AR) consists of a malorientation of the acetabulum in the sagittal plane. AR is associated with changes in load transmission across the hip, being a risk factor for early osteoarthrosis. The pathophysiological basis of AR is an anterior acetabular hyper-coverage and an overall pelvic rotation.The delay or the non-diagnosis of AR could have an impact in the overall management of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). AR is a subtype of (focal) pincer deformity.The objective of this review was to clarify the pathophysiological, diagnosis and treatment fundaments inherent to AR, using a current literature review.Radiographic evaluation is paramount in AR: the cross-over, the posterior wall and ischial spine signs are classic radiographic signs of AR. However, computed tomography (CT) evaluation permits a three-dimensional characterization of the deformity, being more reliable in its recognition.Acetabular rim trimming (ART) and periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) are the best described surgical options for the treatment of AR.The clinical outcomes of both techniques are dependent on the correct characterization of existing lesions and adequate selection of patients. Cite this article: EFORT Open Rev 2018;3:595-603. DOI: 10.1302/2058-5241.3.180015.
- Eczema de contacto alérgico a artroplastias – uma raridade ou uma entidade subdiagosticada?Publication . Resende, C; Santos, R; Pereira, T; Araújo, C; Tavares, N; Brito, CIntrodução: O eczema de contacto alérgico aos constituintes das próteses ocorre em 1-5% dos doentes e pode ser a causa de falência das artroplastias. Os metais sensibilizantes mais comuns são o níquel, o cobalto e o crómio. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos doentes com artroplastias, submetidos a testes epicutâneos nos últimos 2 anos, com suspeita clinica de eczema de contacto alérgico. Efectuaram-se testes com a bateria padrão do Grupo Português de Estudo das Dermites de Contacto e as baterias complementares de metais, acrilatos/metacrilatos e antibióticos tópicos. Resultados: Foram testados 14 doentes: 10 submetidos a artroplastias do joelho, 3 da anca e 1 do tornozelo. A média de idades foi de 61,6 anos, sendo que 12 eram do sexo feminino. Todos os doentes apresentavam limitação funcional das articulações. A sintomatologia apareceu em média 14,4 meses após a cirurgia. Nove doentes obtiveram positividade ao níquel, 5 ao cobalto, 1 ao crómio, 1 à gentamicina e neomicina. Nesses casos, optou-se pela cirurgia de revisão com substituição por componentes em oxinium e/ou titânio, com melhoria dos sinais inflamatórios. Discussão: Esta revisão mostrou a importância da realização de testes epicutâneos nos doentes com sinais clínicos de falência das artroplastias. Observou-se melhoria das queixas e dos sinais inflamatórios em todos os doentes com sensibilização aos constituintes das artroplastias após a sua substituição. Permanece controverso se os doentes com suspeita de eczema de contacto alérgico a artroplastias deverão ser testados apenas com os seus constituintes ou com uma bateria alargada de alergénios
- Modified Elmslie-Trillat Procedure for Distal Realignment of Patella TendonPublication . Filho, RB; Monteiro, AM; Andrade, R; Michael, MJ; Sevivas, N; Pereira, B; Sarmento, A; Espregueira-Mendes, JPatellofemoral dysfunction, due to either a patellofemoral malalignment or patellar instability, is a complex and debilitating condition that significantly decreases the knee function. Conservative management may yield significant clinical outcomes; however, when morphologic anomalies are identified, the surgical approach should be employed. Hence, several surgical procedures have been described in the scientific literature aiming the correction of underlying extensor mechanism malalignments. Still, the rate of complications is higher than desirable. The described technique is based on the principles of transferring the tibial tubercle medially as described in the Elmslie-Trillat technique. However, a curvilinear horizontal cut is made prior to the vertical cut, which raises a thick osseous fragment and allows the formation of a gutter when the osseous fragment is moved medially. Whereas the horizontal gutter provides stability to the bone fragment, the thicker dimension of the osseous fragment and retention of the distal attachment significantly enhances the osteotomy union. Hence, adequate pain relief and stability with very low postoperative morbidity could be achieved. The purpose of this surgical note is to describe a modification to the Elmslie-Trillat technique to treat patellofemoral dysfunctions, achieving a higher osseous stability and decreased postoperative morbidity.
- Técnica Transfisária Parcial para Plastia do Ligamento Cruzado Anterior em Idade PediátricaPublication . Vieira da Silva, M; Duarte, RMWith more and more children participating in competitive sports at younger and younger ages, we have seen an increase in the incidence and diagnosis of intrasubstance ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament. As in adults, the instability of the ligaments predisposes children to a potential risk of meniscos and chondral injuries with consequent early degenerative alterations. The timely treatment of these injuries is crucial and the surgical technique depends directly on the patient’s physiological age. The authors present a clinical case of the complete rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in a skeletally immature child, surgically treated by a partial transphyseal technique, with an excellent functional result.
- Neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapularPublication . Vieira-Ferreira, N; Sevivas, N; Vieira da Silva, MIntrodução: a neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapular foi descrita pela primeira vez em 1952 mas só recentemente tem sido mais compreendida e diagnosticada. A sua etiologia nem sempre é clara e o seu diagnóstico ainda não está bem estabelecido. O tratamento é controverso, especialmente a opção pela libertação artroscópica. Esta técnica tem sido cada vez mais utilizada mas, apesar dos bons resultados relatados, não encontramos na literatura qualquer análise sistematizada dos resultados clínicos desta técnica. Pretendeu-se com este trabalho efetuar uma revisão teórica do tema e uma análise detalhada dos resultados do tratamento artroscópico, procurando as indicações mais apropriadas para esta técnica. Material e Métodos: pesquisa efetuada em 6 bases de dados disponíveis na Internet utilizando as expressões: “suprascapular nerve”, “arthroscopic”, “release” e “decompression”. Efetuada revisão sistemática da literatura encontrada e uma síntese narrativa. Síntese de dados e conclusão. A neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapular é atualmente uma entidade nosológica bem estabelecida e cada vez melhor compreendida. Integra o diagnóstico diferencial da patologia da cintura escapular, sobretudo em doentes jovens, atletas ou no contexto de roturas da coifa. O tratamento cirúrgico está indicado na falência do tratamento conservador sendo a libertação artroscópica do nervo uma técnica em expansão. Está indicada em doentes com omalgia posterior, diminuição da força do supraespinhoso e infraespinhoso ou apenas do infraespinhoso, com ou sem alterações electromiográficas. O resultado das pequenas series publicadas até ao momento é encorajador pois parece proporcionar resultados clínicos positivos consistentes, constituindo um tratamento válido para a neuropatia compressiva do nervo supraescapular
- Corticoterapia em altas doses no traumatizado medular – benefício ou prejuízo?Publication . Bandeira-Rodrigues, E; Duarte, R; Maia, J; Vaz, H; Pereira, ESequelae of the traumatic injuries to the spinal cord represent a high personal, family and social damage. Since 1984, it has been investigated and considered that the treatment with sodium succinate methylprednisolone in high doses was a solution to revert or to prevent the aggravation of such injuries. We present a revision of literature on this subject. It is well established that this therapeutic has a high rate of complications, but concerning its advantages and real effectiveness, there is no agreement between paper authors. While some defend it, others state that this is a total contraindication in this pathology. There are already some medical centers worldwide that do not use it. In Portugal, the practice of its administration is generalized. Not to do it could be difficult to defend in a litigation situation. But are we really helping our patients with it?
- Metacarpal solitary osteochondroma—case report of a rare conditionPublication . Duarte, RM; Ferreira, NV; Silva, LM; Rodrigues, LF; Ribeiro, JM; Vieira da Silva, M
- Giant knee “ganglion”—a case reportPublication . Ferreira, NV; Carriço, FL; Pereira, B; Duarte, R; Maia, R; Sevivas, N; Fidalgo, R; Vieira da Silva, M
- Benefits of radial distortion correction in arthroscopic surgery: a first experimental study on a knee modelPublication . Duarte, RM; Ferre, NV; Oliveira, AM; Fonseca, FP; Vieira da Silva, M; Correia-Pinto, JBACKGROUND: Lens probes used in arthroscopy typically have a small diameter and wide field-of-view. This introduces strong radial distortion (RD) into the image, ultimately affecting the surgeon's hand-eye coordination. This study evaluates potential benefits of using distortion-free images in arthroscopic surgery. METHODS: Distortion-free images were obtained using RDFixer™ software (Perceive3D, SA) to remove RD in the input video stream. Twelve orthopedic residents performed an arthroscopic task (loose body removal) in a dry-knee model using video with and without distortion. Residents were questioned about image quality, and surgical performance was rated using an adapted Global Rating Scale. RESULTS: A statistically significant improvement of all parameters was observed with distortion-free images. Residents perceived distortion-free images as providing a wider field-of-view and a better notion of relative depth and distance. CONCLUSION: RD correction improved the surgical performance of residents, potentially decreasing their learning curve. Future work will study whether the benefits are observable in experienced surgeons.
- Assessment of rotatory laxity in anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees using magnetic resonance imaging with Porto-knee testing device.Publication . Espregueira-Mendes, J; Pereira, H; Sevivas, N; Passos, C; Vasconcelos, JC; Monteiro, A; Oliveira, JM; Reis, RLPURPOSE: Objective evaluation of both antero-posterior translation and rotatory laxity of the knee remains a target to be accomplished. This is true for both preoperative planning and postoperative assessment of different ACL reconstruction emerging techniques. The ideal measurement tool should be simple, accurate and reproducible, while enabling to assess both ‘‘anatomy’’ and ‘‘function’’ during the same examination. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of a new in-house developed testing device, the so-called Porto-knee testing device (PKTD). The PKTD is aimed to be used on the evaluation of both antero-posterior and rotatory laxity of the knee during MRI exams. METHODS: Between 2008 and 2010, 33 patients with ACLdeficient knees were enrolled for the purpose of this study. All patients were evaluated in the office and under anesthesia with Lachman test, lateral pivot-shift test and anterior drawer test. All cases were studied preoperatively with KT-1000 and MRI with PKTD, and examinations performed by independent observers blinded for clinical evaluation. During MRI, we have used a PKTD that applies antero-posterior translation and permits free tibial rotation through a standardized pressure (46.7 kPa) in the proximal posterior region of the leg. Measurements were taken for both knees and comparing side-to-side. Five patients with partial ruptures were excluded from the group of 33. RESULTS: For the 28 remaining patients, 3 women and 25 men, with mean age of 33.4 ± 9.4 years, 13 left and 15 right knees were tested. No significant correlation was noticed for Lachman test and PKTD results (n.s.). Pivot-shift had a strong positive correlation with the difference in anterior translation registered in lateral and medial tibia plateaus of injured knees (cor. coefficient = 0.80; p\0.05), and with the difference in this parameter as compared to side-to-side (cor. coefficient = 0.83; p\0.05). Considering the KT-1000 difference between injured and healthy knees, a very strong positive correlation was found for side-to-side difference in medial (cor. coefficient = 0.73; p\0.05) and lateral (cor. coefficient = 0.5; p\0.05) tibial plateau displacement using PKTD. CONCLUSION: The PKTD proved to be a reliable tool in assessment of antero-posterior translation (comparing with KT-1000) and rotatory laxity (compared with lateral pivotshift under anesthesia) of the ACL-deficient knee during MRI examination.